Open a terminal (press CTRL+ALT+T on Ubuntu) and navigate to the directory containing the installer files – use the “ cd” (change directory) command – e.g. You should get two files called something like:
#Quake 3 arena crack no cd download download#
Download the engine and data files installers from link. This is not a weird Quake III Arena clone – it is the real thing – essentially just with a different installer. The original installer for Quake III Arena will not work on my Ubuntu 12.10 圆4 – I have tried many solutions with no luck 🙁 However, Quake III Arena is opensource (except data such as music and graphics) now and some nice people have made a great installer ( link) where we only need to add the non-opensource stuff (called pak0.pk3) from the quake 3 arena cd and then we have a fully functional Quake III Arena.